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Female Photographer
Saturday, 6/19
10 AM - 11 AM
Meeting House
3502 Fluvanna Ave. Ext.,
Jamestown, NY 14701
+1 (716) 804-7163

We're re-creating one of the oldest known photographs of people from Fluvanna and our historic Meeting House.


Over 100 years ago, approximately 30 men, women, children and horses gathered in front of the Meeting House to take a photo. We don't know their names, but we know they took pride in their work and in their community.


Saturday, June 19, 2021, we're going to re-create this photograph. Just as the old photo has become an icon of what Fluvanna used to be, we want this new photo to reflect who we are today and our connection with one another. 


You can read more about this project and how this fits into our bigger vision in the recent front page article of the Post-Journal: Old Meeting House Focus Of Fluvanna Preservation Efforts


Click here to help us spread the news about this event on social media!


Everyone's welcome!


Got more questions about the event?  We've got answers.  Read more below.


Do I need to wear old fashioned clothes or historically accurate attire?

No. This event is not a re-enactment. We want to show how people dress, work and live today. If you would like to wear an historic costume, you're welcome to do so, but you may want to change into modern clothes for the Community Photo itself.

So what should I wear?

We recommend wearing casual or smart casual clothes for the Community Photo. We want you to be comfortable and where what you would normally wear, while looking your best. While picking an outfit, chose clothes with solid colors (as opposed to outfits with busy designs and patterns).

Is there anything I should avoid wearing?

Best to steer clear of clothes featuring intricate or busy patterns and designs. Also, avoid wearing clothes with large (chest-sized) logos.  People who are participating as part of a group, in this event, however, are welcome to wear uniforms or attire with logos/branding promoting the group (including local business owners and employees, the police, firefighters, volunteers etc.).

Is there a place where I can change my clothes?

Besides your car or truck? Probably not. There may be limited space availalbe to change clothes, but it's not guaranted. Check at the Registration desk if there's some other space available besides your car, the woods or a gravestone.


Should I bring a mask with me?

Yes. We plan on taking two sets of Community Photos:  one set of pictures with everyone wearing masks and the other set of pictures with people not wearing masks. The COVID-19 pandemic is a major event in our recent history and we want to capture this moment for historical purposes and posterity's sake.

Am I required to wear a mask or physically distance at the event?

People who received the COVID-19 are not required to wear masks at the event, pursuant to recent changes to the Governor's COVID-19 related Executive Orders, as well as Town and County Health Department regulations. Still, we ask that you bring a mask so we can take one set of Community Photos with our masks on [see the question immediately above]. Individuals who have not received the COVID-19 vaccine should continue wearing masks in accordance with Health Dept. regulations and CDC guidance.


Is parking available? 

Yes. Upon arriving at the Meeting House, you will be directed to park in the cemetery. The Town of Ellicott Police Department will provide traffic control on Fluvanna Avenue during the event. Fluvanna Fire Department and Historical Society volunteers will direct you where to park your vehicle upon arrival.

Is handicap accessible parking available at the event?

Yes, Just let one of the Fire Department or Historical Volunteers know you need handicap accessible parking and they'll let you know where to go.


What are we going to do if it rains?

We're WNYers and we can handle the weather. If it rains, we still plan on taking the photos. Make sure to bring an umbrella, just in case.


We may be able to open the Meeting House for a short period of time in case we need to wait for heavier rain to pass, otherwise your welcome to stay in your in your car. 


Can I bring my own food?

Sure!  The whole event should take no more than an hour, but we like to snack too and we want everyone to be happy! So keep that blood sugar from spiking!

Will there be food available?

Yes, donuts (thanks to Tim Hortons) and coffee will be available for participants and volunteers at the event!

Selfies & Social Media:

Can we take our own photos at the event too?

Yes! This is your chance to become a photographer too!! Come prepared to talk selfies, snap a photo of our community and give others a behind the scenes glimpse of the Photo Re-Creation. We need you to help us document history in the making!

Can I share on social media the photos I take at the event?

Definitely! Just make sure to mention us on Facebook, Instagram (@FluvannaHistoryNY) or Twitter (@HistoryFluvanna) and use these hashtags: #Fluvanna, #FCHS, #CHQ

What can we take pictures of?

Besides the Community-wide Photo and the Community Photo Re-Creation itself, your welcome to take pictures of yourself, your family and friends and any other participants at the event. 

We will have opportunities for you to take pics with an antique or modern Fire Truck, a large, modern Farm Tractor, a small excavator and one or more of the "therapy horses" that will be joining us for the Community Photo Re-Creation (thanks to our friends at N.E.I.G.H. Inc.).

And, of course, as a backdrop and in the center of it all will be our historic Meeting House which we would love you to take pics and sending to all of your friends, family and followers!

Got More Questions?

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